I'd love to hear more about "Irish pre-Christian/pagan stuff around the solstice" - sounds like a really fun way to spice up the holidays!

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Hah! No, I definitely can't tell you more about the Irish pre-Christian/pagan stuff my wife and I do to celebrate the solstice! But yes, a fun way to spice up the holidays...

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Yes please keep doing book reviews. I like the way you look at things.

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Excellent, I will!

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That sounds like a fantastic book! I'm tempted to get it for my dad as a late Christmas gift - i know he would love the fractal/mosque ceiling comparison. The approach of trying to understand the world through comparing things from widely differents eras and subjects matters reminds of the Musée des Confluences, in Lyon (France). It's a natural history museum but they organize their exihibits by themes instead of chronological or geographical order. It's a great way to shake up assumptions - in their exihibit about death they have art exposed about afterlife mythos in different cultures, with ancient artefacts put alongside contemporary art as a way to show that those beliefs aren't only a thing of a past, but still inspire and nurture art and thought around the world. It's a great museum (with a surprising architecture aha) , i never tire of visiting it :)

Happy Hanukkah, Christmas and solstice festivities to you! :D

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Mmmm, I love the sound of that museum, and have made a note. I've been hunkered down in Berlin for the last few years, but my life seems to be opening up a little lately, and if I find myself passing through, or even near, Lyon on my adventures next year, I will definitely visit it. And do get the book for your dad! It sounds like he might get a kick out of it.

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What a beautiful book. Thank you for the recommendation. I think I shall purchase it as an early birthday present for MOI!

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Do! I think you will be grateful to you if you do.

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I immediately went from reading this review to forwarding it to my Beloved to see if he is as inspired as I am about it! I imagine us with the TV off, contemplating the beautiful images together, and speaking about what comes up for us. Even if he does not feel inspired, it is still a worthy purchase! But it would be fun for us… a potential string of experiences interwoven with beauty and connection. Yes, please!

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I love this image of you both, and I hope it comes to pass...

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Keep these book reviews coming. Or, anything else you find interesting out there! Thank you! Just became a paid subscriber. Xmas gift to me!

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Oh, bless you Janet! Well, you are helping keep me alive, so I will happily give you more book reviews if you are enjoying them! There's a very interesting-looking novel coming out in the UK in February that I might be able to get a review copy of, and review in January. It sounds... pretty cosmic.

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Thank you for the recommendation, this book looks amazing. Also, it had me at the “punch-drunk middle-aged burnout” description. I’m definitely getting this one as a holiday present from me to me.

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Hah! Yeah, that line definitely resonated with me too. I hope you enjoy your present!

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I am on a quest to reconnect with Sacred Earth. The Cosmic Dance sounds like it could unlock further pathways in my heart and mind to dispel old ways of thinking and open up to new of seeing, hearing and feeling the earth that supports me. Thank you.

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The Cosmic Dance , Stephen Ellcock; will get it. Love the ideas, I think we all see the images in our lives and wonder. Now we know we can appreciate them; know that we are not crazy seeing connections and that others can see this language of images also.

Please educate us on pre Christain pagan stuff. Thank you.

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keep up the good work and greetings from the netherlands!

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