My mother died in January, after deciding to stop eating and drinking and turning down IV antibiotics for chronic urinary tract infections. Definitely not "out like a light" (like her stepmother, who pitched over doing yardwork at 85), but not the worst death I can imagine, either. At 88, I think she was tired of feeling not well, and not looking forward to sliding into dementia.

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Ooooof, that's tough Randall. My sympathies. But, yes, it sounds as though she knew what she wanted, and got it, and wasn't too upset by the thought of leaving. That's pretty good; there are definitely much worse ways to go.

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I write to you from Bainbridge Island Washington USA, to say I am so sorry for your loss and am glad you have sweet memories of your father. His gift to you.

I love your mind and the way you translate the complex world of all things life and death into stories most of us can understand. I just shared your substack with a writer friend of mine yesterday over lunch. I was telling her of the moon snail’s shell and the snail’s swirling sand and egg formations here on the beaches of Eagle Harbor having the same spiral pattern as the galaxies and our DNA, which led me to attempting to tell her about your post yesterday. Count on her to be yet one more of your fortunate followers

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Python! I was thinking cobra from the picture, but the patterning was wrong.

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So sorry for your sudden loss Julian. May your dad rest in peace. Hugs X Bríd

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Hey, I just want to say that it gets better. It takes a long time, but it does. My dad lost the battle with cancer in 2016, and by now I'm almost frightened by how much I've grown used to life without him. But I still miss him, and I still think of him whenever I do anything he might have been proud of. I still get frustrated at times when he isn't here and I need his guidance the most. I still regret not saying everything I could have to him, everything I didn't say enough.

But with time, you eventually find peace. There's a hollowness where he once was, but eventually you learn to fill that hollow, all yourself, with the love that remains. Because it will always remain.

Take care of yourself, and remember the good.

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I'm sorry for your loss. I wish I had better words here - I always do. I am thinking of you and sending what thoughts I can.

I appreciate your sharing the photo & anecdote, they painted a small but vivid insight into his life.

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Julian, may your father’s memory be for a blessing. I send my best wishes to you and your family.

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Sorry for your loss, Julian. Xxx

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I am so sorry to hear your sad news Julian. Please accept my sincere condolences.

I appreciate your timely message to speak to someone loved. It will all be gone, and too soon.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.

Best wishes


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I didn’t know your dad, and I don’t really know you, but I lost my dad rather suddenly several years ago and I know something of the shock and the pain. I’m very sorry for your loss. Be well ❤️

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My condolences, Julian. A great tribute to your dad. Love the photo you chose to celebrate his life.

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Thanks for sharing this sad news Julian, it is lovely to know a bit about your father, may he rest in peace.



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Sincere condolences. What a gift of love; he gave to you, his wife, his family and those lucky enough to have known him.

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So sorry for your heartache and loss. 💜 Sending love and light 💖✨️

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My deepest condolences. What a beautiful tribute. 💜

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